Friday, April 15, 2011

Synagogue Vandalized in Ra'anana

This article addressed the vandalism inflicted upon the Kehilat Ra’anan synagogue in Ra’anana. This incident occurred during the late hours of Wednesday night when unknown persons shattered six windows of the establishment and spray painted a threatening phrase on the one of the outside building walls. The words read, "It has begun" and underneath was the Star of David, all in black spray paint. An investigation has been opened by the police of this incident. "Mayor Nahum Hofri vehemently condemned the 'thuggery' and stressed that such a deed does not characterize Ra’anana, 'a city of tolerance and exemplary coexistence'." He also stated that Ra'anana respects and tolerates every stream of Judaism. This synagogue has experienced an attack like this for the third time now, and by the Reform Movement, this has been seen as a "worrisome development". Police first took these attacks as mere acting out from out of control adolescents, but now they are leaning towards the idea that this is more organized than they have perceived. Security cameras have never been used at the synagogue before, but the head of the Reform Movement, Rabbi Gilad Kariv, has stated that that will most likely change. 

I really just want to shake people that act like this. I don't understand people who will just disrespect something that is meant to be so sacred and holy, and they probably don't even lose a wink of sleep over it. Even if they don't agree with something the synagogue is doing doesn't mean they have the right to vandalize the building, not to mention, make threats such as "It has begun". I disagree with a lot of other religions because I have my own beliefs, but in no way does that mean I would ever spray paint the walls of the church/synagogue or whatever, or do anything to vandalize it. That is so disrespectful and not right at all. And also, I would not want someone or some other group vandalizing my church in such a way, either. All I can hope for this group of vandals, is that they don't resort to unnecessary violence to get their point across.

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